Welcome to the TFL listed fanlisting for an ultimately cute and adorable breed of cats, Scottish Fold. If you are a fan of these cats, an accompanied by many people but always lonely alien being, please consider joining and adding yourself to the list.
I love Scottish Fold so much! I have never owned any but it's my planned-to-buy cat. I love their cute ears and puffy faces. I heard they are very kind and friendly, too! I love looking at them, and vey often search for theor chibi faces at google. They are pure perfection!
Last updated: September 28th, 2024
Script used: Enthusiast (3.2.x)
Member count: 33, with 0 pending
What is a fanlisting? A fanlisting is a small site that collects a list of fans for a particular subject. Anime and manga related subjects are listed and regulated under The Anime Fanlistings Network and everything else falls under the control of The Fanlistings Network.
Allied sites:
Cats: Red/Orange Tabby
Cats: Ragdoll
Cats: Siamese
Cats: Tortoiseshell
Cats: White
Cats: White & Orange
Wanna? thevampyreassassin @ gmail.com