πŸŒΏπŸƒ I hunt for darkness, I hunt for blood

Here we go! This is a fanlisting collective belonging to Lorian. I collected quite an amount of fanlistings through 8 years in the fan network. Now I own the ones that I truly couldn't live without and that is ... still a huge amount. I create sites about mythology, music, literature and fantasy worlds.
If you happen to know what a fanlisting is, jump ahead! Maybe we like similar subjects. If not, head to TFL.ORG for info and more fanlistings.

πŸŒΏπŸƒ Lorian

I write about bleeding moss
trickling with emerald through my fingers
like a spring stream through the rock crevice
I write about dark woods, where silence reigns
like a thick cocoon made of loneliness
I write about haunted moonlights and old pine trees
cursed realms where shadowed wilderness meets sunlight
about creatures of deep darkness and spirits of blinding light
the eternity that touches brief with its feather
allowing it to see one more day

I am a beast of ink
a wolf made of words
creating worlds; kissing the dawn

Ravus protects Moudoku!

Keyblade // OBLIVION
My OTP: skekMal + skekSo
Lorian is the ruler of the dark Fae
My favorite food: Strawberries with cream
I was sorted into Slytherin
I am a Slytherin
I am a Dark Lord of the Sith
My guardian is Gideon Nav
My sin is Lust
I am Unseelie Fae
This site's patron is Set
I drink Earl Gray Tea with Orange and Ginger
Lorian is Jareth of the WWW
Lorian belongs to Slytherin
I claimed Tom Marvolo Riddle, Potion Classes and Slytherin Common Room
- I have a soul of a cat
Supporting people with Invisible Illnesses
Collectives Directory: Ephemeral